One of the challenges we were tasked with this week was to recreate the front end our twitter home page. I ended up doing this exercise twice. The first time I used CSS & HTML, the second time around I experimented with Sass and Haml. Haml stands for HTML Abstraction...

For someone used to a university lecture format Makers feels unconventional at first . A large part of what you learn comes indirectly via your peers rather than straight from the Coaches. There's a 45 minute teaching session at 9.30am & 2.30pm where new concepts are introduced and any questions...

It turns out that I’ve signed up for much more than a coding course. During the introduction today we were told to think of Makers Academy as habit building exercise: "Twelve weeks is both a very long time and a very short time. If you go on to have a...

In Jan ‘13 I made a promise. 2013 was going to be the year I acquire some technical nous. Developers had been making me jealous. I wanted the magic ability to turn ideas into reality overnight. Over the course of that year I completed Code First Girls, built a number...