
Week 53 is from Monday December 28, 2015 until (and including) Sunday January 3, 2016. The first week of the year is the week that contains that year's first Thursday (='First 4-day week'). The highest week number in a year is either 52 or 53.

"Growing tired of this fluent and exposed relationship to the land, walls and partitions appeared, floor plans expanded and reached towards the sky, and the common ground in between was systematically covered in pavement. This collective distancing from all things natural results in a muting out of primal instincts and urges inside the artifice of the constructed metropolis. Even so, in the midst of our densified and streamlined urbanity, a craving to reconnect with the wild has taken root and continues to spread. Rock the Shack explores and celebrates this rural revival, highlighting the value found in the small, the simple and the pastorally inclined home and retreat."

"The modern home, in all it's efficiency and convenience, does not satisfy the greater longing to get in touch with our environment and ourselves. Bernard Rudofsky, an architect, footwear designer and progressive thinker, addresses this waining interest in sheer utilitarianism arguing that the house has to become again what it was in the past: an instrument for living rather than a machine for living." In this quote, Rudofsky references and refutes the manifesto of Le Corbusier and the ideology at the heart of the modernist movement. Such a return to the basics comes after a time of hyper consumerism, virtual closeness, and water tight shelters that protect from any and all external feedback. Up until very recently, living in the thick of a city center defined one's perceived level of relevance and hipness. Now, quite the opposite propels the status quo of luxury. The growing popularity of gardening, yoga and organic eating represent just a few of the prosthetics propping up the psyches of the environmentally starved city dweller. Each of these gestures, however small, operates as an urban interpretation of our growing hunger for engaging with nature."

"Rich in spirit but not in price tag, the beauty of this new luxury of pared down living promotes the experience of people and nature over the accumulation of things."

#sofia #borges #rocktheshack #cabins #cocoons #hideouts

Book of the week

my notes

"It's often what an artist chooses to leave out that makes the art interesting. What isn't shown versus what is. It's the same for people: What makes us interesting isn't just what we have experienced, but also what we haven't experienced."

This idea of who we are and the decisions that we make being influenced just as much by what we haven't experienced really captured my imagination. It's interesting to think that oftentimes we will unaware of these things and so don't realise how this negation is impacting our lives.

#art #creative #plagiarize #copy #imitate #emulate #austin #kleon

Escape To The Wild: 4 episodes of self sufficent goodness.

#escapetothewild #kevin #mcloud #tonga #belize #sweden #chile

Konstantinos Kyrtis

#konstantinos #kyrtis #art #baroque #19thcentury #clown #realism
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